The band have had a number of concerts over the summer, in Botanic Gardens Southport; Farnworth Widnes; Bishop Eton Parish Celebrations and with out friends at the Merseyside Thursday Club, before our final performance of the period at Vale Park New Brighton.
On Sunday 23rd June, we managed to play 2/3rds of our concert at Botanic Gardens before the rain spoilt our fun, but the audience were having a great time until then!

On Saturday 29th June, we played in the glorious heat for the Farnworth Primary School for their Summer Fair. Afterwards we were allowed to cool down before giving a short performance.
The following day we were back in action playing at the Bishop Eton Church Parish Celebrations to start off the day!

On Thursday 4th July we celebrated Independence Day with our friends at Merseyside Thursday Club, we had great fun and some of the members of the club joined in with a Sing-Song towards the end of the night.

We have one final performance this period at Vale Park New Brighton on Sunday 28th July, 2:30pm. We would love to see you there!
Mike Jackson,
Band Manager